Céline KULA-KIM An author from the Congo writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Céline Kula-Kim lives in the Lyons region, France. She has been a member of various African associations and collaborated with the "Société d'Etudes Féminines Africaines", an organisation for the study of gender and African women. A few years ago (2003), she was in charge of the radio program "Women and society" broadcasted by "Radio Trait d'Union 89.8" in Lyons. Throughout her studies toward a DEA in migration and inter-ethnic relationships and her subsquent activities as a sociologue, she interviewed many African women who migrated to France. Maguette, the central character of the first person narrative she introduces in "Les Larmes de Maguette" is one of them.
Les larmes de Maguette [Maguette's tears]. Paris: Editions Aurore Univers, 2004 (149p.). ISBN: 2-915871-00-0. [The life story of Maguette who was born in Senegal from Guinean parents and migrated to France in 1972. A story told by Maguette and transcribed by Céline Kula Kim].
Les Africaines en situation interculturelle. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2000 (94p.) Non-fiction. ISBN: 2-7384-9381-5.
Les Africaines en immigration et la création d'entreprise. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2004 (128p.) Non-fiction. ISBN: 2-7475-4254-8.
Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created: 27 January 2005
Modified: 3 January 2007
Archived: 21 December 2012