Elisabeth TOL'ANDE MWEYA An author from the Congo writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Betty (Elisabeth) Tol'ande Mweya was born on the 7th of July 1947.
My parents.
My father and mother arrived in the city of Kinshasa (formerly Leopoldville, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1939. My father worked as a mechanic in the Colonial Civil Service. My mother, like all the women of those times and even today, sold cooked food at the port of Leopoldville and at the small district market.
My formative years:
I commenced primary school at the age of 10. Considered a very bright and receptive student, the Catholic Nuns at my primary school said that I had the qualities for a religious vocation. I entered the convent in 1965 and I burnt with the desire to become a Nun. Alas! because of an indiscretion, Cardinal Joseph Albert Malula, the founder of the convent of the Sisters of Saint Theresa of the Infant Jesus, ordered me to return to my family. He said that I no longer had the qualities for a religious calling.
After leaving the convent, I completed a State Diploma in Literature in 1969 and in 1984, a Diploma in Journalism.
Professional career:
- journalist, successively with "Afrique chrétienne", "Progrés" and "Salongo"
- producer and presenter of the "Magazine de la femme - F... Comme Femme"
- Assistant Professor at the Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information
- producer of audio cassettes and albums for adult education
- organiser responsible for teaching material in an African developmental organisation (1985) This very interesting professional experience impacted on my life and led me to build up a vibrant organisation, one to support the formation of proleterian women''s initiatives in Congo. That is what has inspired me to create La Fondation DIRAF/Esther's Vision of which I am the President.
My private life:
A mother of seven children and grandmother of seven (I don't think that the number will stay at that in these times - as birth rate increases too rapidly without consideration of economic, social and health considerations in the face of increasingly degrading politics).
I am a born-again Christian who lives in communion with the Lord. My evangelistic objective is one day to have an internet site to share the wonders of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that Christians travelling the world over may stay fast to their vows and that the heathens and faint-hearted will place their lives in the hands of Jesus Christ.
- A bulletin of liaison, "Parole de Femmes"
- An essay, "Moi, Femme je parle" in Editions Grain de Sel
- A narrative, "Ahata, suivi du Récit de la Damnée" in Editions Bobiso (1976)
- A collection of poems, "Remous de Feuilles" in Editions du Mont Noir (1974)
-"Vision institutionelle de Diraf" in Editions de Diraf
- There are three titles in preparation together with an accumulation of experience in very active support for women's projects. (2000)
-The Sébastien Ngonso Prize for Poetry (1967)
-The Mobuto Seseko Prize for Poetry (1972)
Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created : 14 September 1996
Modified: 28 September 2012
Archived: 28 November 2013