Fatou NDIAYE SOW An author from Senegal writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Fatou Ndiaye Sow was born in Senegal in the small town of Tivaouane. Her father, who came from Kaolack, was a shopkeeper. Her parents died when she was still only a child so she was raised by her grandparents. She attended the Koranic school, then moved to the primary school in Tivaouane before continuing her studies at Ameth Fall Secondary School in Saint-Louis, and the Teachers Training College in Rufisque. Since 1956 she has lived in Dakar with her family, but has travelled extensively during the course of the last few years. Some of the events she has participated in include: the Seventh Congress of Poets held in Marrakech in 1984; the Struga Poetic Evenings in Yugoslavia in 1985; the Louvain Festival of Poetry in Belgium in 1986; the Literary Symposium Against Apartheid in Brazzaville in 1987; the Fifth World PEN-International Congress in Toronto in 1989; the Poets' Salon in Lyons in 1990; and, an African Women's Conference in the US in 1997.
Fatou Ndiaye Sow has been a school teacher for many years. She is now involved in promoting children's literature with an organisation called Falia Productions (B.P. 948 - Dakar). Fatou Ndiaye Sow passed away on October 24, 2004.
Fleurs du Sahel [Flowers of the Sahara]. Dakar: Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal, 1990. (47p.). ISBN 2 7236 1063 2. Poetry.
"Madame Fatou Ndiaye Sow's work provides us with a distraction from the hustle and bustle of our modern, confused and slightly mad, uncaring world, into a corner of paradise which is fast disappearing, where we are left only with a conflicting sense of values and painful memories. Hopefully, by means of this inexorable and painful search we will finally see the light." (Back cover).
Un code pour toi et moi [A code for you and I]. 2 volumes. Editions Unicom II, Dakar, 1997.
Takam-Takam (Devine, mon enfant devine). [Takam-Takam (Guess, my child, guess)]. Dakar: Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines, 1981. Poems for children.
Takam-Tikou (J'ai deviné) [Takam-Tikou (I have guessed)]. Editions Maguilen, 1991. Children's poems.
Le mouton d'Aminata [Aminata's sheep]. Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes, Abidjan 1996, Children's Story.
Takam-Takam [Devine, mon enfant devine]. Dakar: Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines, 1981. Poetry for children.
Adorable Makan. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Le ballon d'Aly. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Comme Rama, je veux aller à l'école. Dakar : NEAS, Coll.
Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
La graine. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p
Jéréjéf. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Kiwo et Timosa. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Le marriage de Ndella. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Marième, ma fille. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Mon quartier, un mirroir. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Natou ou le rayon de soleil. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Le rêve d'Amina. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Mouss, 2003, 24 p.
Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created : 6 April 1998
Modified: 2 June 2006
Archived: 19 December 2012