Yolande MUKAGASANA An author from Rwanda writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Yolande Mukagasana was born in Rwanda in 1954. For 19 years, she worked as a nurse at Kigali's Hospital and later, became the head of a private health centre. Her husband and three children were killed during the genocide that took place in Rwanda in 1994. After fleeing the country, she became a political refugee in Belgium where she was naturalised in 1999. Subsequently, she adopted three nieces who had lost their parents and took care of many orphans still living in Rwanda. To date (2004), she has published two autobiographical narratives on the Rwanda tragedy and a collection of witness accounts that includes both the victims of the atrocities and the jailed perpetrators. Yolande Mukagasana also contributed to the writing of the play Rwanda 94 (Groupov).
La mort ne veut pas de moi. [Death doesn't want me] Paris: Fixot, 1997. (268p.). ISBN 2 221 08593 0. Autobiography.
N'aie pas peur de savoir - Rwanda: une rescapée tutsi raconte. [Don't be afraid. Rwanda: a Tutsi survivor tells her story] Paris: J'ai lu, 1999. (350p.). ISBN 2 290 30063 2. Autobiography.
Les Blessures du silence. Témoignages du génocide au Rwanda. [The wounds of Silence : Witness accounts of Rwanda's genocide] (Includes pictures by Alain Kazinierakis) Arles: Actes Sud et Médecins Sans Frontières, 2001. (160p.). ISBN 2 7427 3563 1. Testimonies.
De bouche à oreille. Paris: Editions Menaibuc, 2003. 2 vol. (Tome I : 92p. et Tome II : 82p.). ISBN: 2-911372-36-0 & 2-911372-37-9. Tales.
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Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created: 14 December 2000
Modified: 28 April 2005
Archived: 10 May 2013