Nafissatou DIA DIOUF An author from Senegal writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Nafissatou Dia Diouf was born in Senegal in 1973. She attended the Université de Montaigne in Bordeaux where she gained a Masters degree in Applied Foreign Languages (French, English and Italian), International Commerce, Marketing and Commercial Law, Business and Commerce. She has also completed postgraduate studies in Industrial Logistics. For many years she worked in Dakar where she was Manager in Sales and Accounting at SONATEL. Nafissatou Dia Diouf has been involved in various literature workshops and her writing (short stories, poetry and children literature) has attracted much interest and praize. Besides writing, she says, her other interests include reading, painting, interior decorating and travel. She has visited many countries in Africa, Europe, America and Asia. She currently (2014) lives in Paris.
Nafissatou Dia Diouf website [Sighted 27 May 2014].
Publications :
Primeur, Poèmes de jeunesse (Editions Le Nègre International, 2003). Poems.
Retour d'un si long exil et autres nouvelles [Return from so long an exile and other stories]. Dakar, Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal, 2001. Collection of short stories.
Balade virtuelle autour de la planète francophone [A virtual stroll around the French planet], 1999. Short story.
Pour le meilleur et surtout pour le pire [For the best and, above all, for the worst], 1999. Short story.
Sables Mouvants [Shifting Sands]. Short story. 1st Prize winner, 2000 Fondation Léopold S. Senghor.
Cirque de Missira et autres nouvelles. Paris: Présence Africaine, 2010, 192p. ISBN978-2-7087-0805-1. Short stories.
SocioBiz. Chroniques impertinentes sur l'économie et l'entreprise. Dakar: TML éditions, 2010, 208p. ISBN: 2-9525152-4-7. Columns.
SocioBiz 2. Chroniques encore plus irrévérencieuses. Dakar: TML éditions, 2013, 220p. ISBN: 2-9525152-5-5. Columns.
La Maison des épices. Montréal: Mémoire d'encrier, 2014, 312p.ISBN : 978-2-89712-196-9.
Children's literature
Dior, la jolie Sérère toucouleur. Dakar : NEAS, Coll.
Sindax, 2003, 28 p.
Les sages paroles de mon grand-père. Dakar : NEAS, Coll. Sindax,
2003, 24p.
Le fabuleux tour du monde de Raby. [Raby's fabulous journey around the world] Dakar: Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal, 2003. (30p.). ISBN: 2 7236 1490 5. [Illustrations de Samba Ndar Cissé].
Je découvre...l'ordinateur and
Cytor & Tic Tic naviguent sur la toile. Dakar: Editions Tamalys, 2005.
Kidiwi la goutelette curieuse / Kidiwi the Nosey Little Droplet. Dakar: Tamalys (TLM) Editions, 2007. (30p.). [Illustrations de Lamine Dieme]. ISBN 2-9525152-2-0. (Bilingual English-French).
Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created: 25 Oct 2001
Modified: 28 May 2014
Archived: 28 May 2014