Flore HAZOUME An author from the Ivory Coast writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Flore Hazoumé was born in Brazzaville in 1959. She is the grand-daughter of writer Paul Hazoume. She has lived in the Ivory Coast since 1979, but she adds : "Having a father from Bénin, a Congolese mother, and coming from the Ivory Coast myself, as well as having lived there for several years, after spending my adolescence in France, I consider myself to be a citizen of the world, and believe that my country is wherever I feel at home."
Flore Hazoumé has studied English at the University of Abidjan. She is married and has two children. She was the Manager of a Communication Agency and now lives in Abidjan (2002). In 2010, she was the editor of "Scrib Magazine".
Rencontres [Meetings]. Abidjan: Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines, 1984. Short Stories.
( Titles of the short stories:
Déchirement [A Tearing Apart] -
Le Miroir brisé [The Broken Mirror] -
Rencontres [Meetings])
Cauchemars [Nightmares]. Abidjan: EDILIS,1994. (144p.). Short Stories. ISBN: 2 909238 10 5.
(Titles of the short stories:
Obsession [Obsession] -
A malin, maligne et demie! [The con men have their come-uppance!] -
Un pacte est un pacte [A pact is a pact] -
Ménopause [Menopause] -
Nuit d'ailleurs [A Night from elsewhere] -
Beauté fatale [Fatal Beauty] -
Eternel amour [Eternal Love] -
Les chats [The Cats] -
L'Eldorado perdu [The Lost Eldorado]).
La Vengeance de l'Albinos [The Vengeance of the Albinos]. Abidjan: EDILIS, 1996 (134p.) Novel.
Une vie de bonne [Life of a maid]. Abidjan/Montréal: Editions CEDA/Hurtubise HMH, 1999 (76p.). Children's literature.
Le crépuscule de l'Homme. [The twilight of man]. Abidjan: CEDA, 2002. (200p.). Novel.
Et si nous écoutions nos enfants ? [What about listening to our children ?] Abidjan: CEDA, 2002. (64p.). Illustrated by Claire Mobio. Children's literature.
Au coin de la rue, la vie m'attendait. n.l.: Zoum éditions, 2006. (192p.). Novel. Foreword by Gérard Dago Lezou.
Je te le devais bien... Abidjan: Les Classiques Ivoiriens, 2012. (142p.). ISBN: 979-10-90625-02-0. Autobiography.
Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created: 25 December 1995
Updated: 17 June 2013
Archived: 17 June 2013