Dia KASSEMBE An author from Angola writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Editor ([email protected])
Dia Kassembe was originally from Angola and now lives in France, where she is working as a nurse.
Thsiala I'Enracinée: Du Kuanza à la Seine. [Thsiala the expatriate : From Kuanza to the River Seine]. Roissy-en-Brie: Les Editions Cultures Croisées, 2001. (206p.). ISBN 2-913059-10-4. Novel.
Os Amores das Sanzalas : Les bons tours de Cupidon. [Os Amores das Sanzalas : The tricks of Cupid]. Roissy-en-Brie: Les Editions Cultures Croisées, 2004. (115p.). ISBN 2-913059-15-5. Tales. [Preface by Andrée Michel].
Soigner en Noir et Blanc. [Healing in Black and White]. Paris: l'Harmattan, 2001.
Femmes sacrées,
insoumises, rebelles. [Sacred women, untamed, rebelious]. Paris: l'Harmattan, 1998.
L'Angola, vingt ans de guerre civile : une femme accuse. [Angola, twenty years of civil war : A woman questions]. Paris: l'Harmattan, 1995.
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The University of Western Australia/French
Created: 15 March 2002
Modified: 10 July 2004
Archived: 19 December 2012