Esther MUJAWAYO An author from Rwanda writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Esther Mujawayo was born in 1958 in Rwanda. She lost hundreds of relatives - including her mother, father and husband - during the massacres that took place in her country in 1994. She now (2006) lives in Düsseldorf, Germany, and works in the field of trauma-therapy with refugees.
SurVivantes : Rwanda, dix ans après le génocide. Paris: Editions de l'Aube, 2004. (304p.). ISBN 2 87678 955 8. Autobiography. [In collaboration with co-author
Souâd Belhaddad. Followed by a conversation with Simone Veil]. Prize Ahmadou Kourouma 2004.
La Fleur de Stéphanie Rwanda entre réconciliation et déni. Paris: Flammarion, 2006. (256p.). ISBN 2 08 068977 0. Autobiography. [In collaboration with co-author Souâd Belhaddad. Followed by a conversation with Simone Veil].
Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created: 19 June 2006
Archived: 20 December 2012