KEN BUGUL An author from Senegal writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
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Ken Bugul, which in Wolof means : « one who is unwanted », is the pseudonym used by writer
Mariètou Mbaye Biléoma who was born in 1947 in Ndoucoumane in
Senegal. Following her primary school studies in her village, Mariètou
Mbaye undertook her secondary schooling at the Lycée Malick Sy at
Thiès, after which she spent a year at the University of Dakar from
where she obtained a bursary that enabled her to continue her studies in Belgium.
From 1986 to 1993, Mariètou Mbaye was an International Official, based
successively in Nairobi (Kenya), Brazzaville (Congo), Lomé (Togo) as
Head of Programs within the African Region of the IPPF (International Planned
Parenthood Federation), a NGO concerned with projects related to family
planning. She has also been convenor of writing workshops in underprivileged
areas (Therapeutic Writing Rehabilitation) and has worked in the promotion of
cultural works, objects of art and Art and Craft (2003).
In 1999, during an interview arranged for the occasion of the release of her
third novel, Ken Bugul declared : « ... I write and I am kept busy
running a small business which promotes and sells objects of art, cultural
works and art and crafts. I include in this the African cuisine. I am the widow
of a Beninese doctor. It is in his old surgery in Porto-Novo (Benin) that I
have set up an Art Gallery ».
Her novel Riwan ou le chemin de sable [Riwan or the sandy track] was awarded the 1999 prestigious literary prize Grand Prix littéraire de l'Afrique noire.
For more information, please
refer to the author's C.V. [pdf file] [2008].
The abandoned baobab: the autobiography of a Senegalese woman. CARAF Books (Caribbean and African Literature translated from the French). University of Virginia Press, 2008.
ISBN: 978-0813927374. Translation of: Le baobab fou (1982) by Marjolijn de Jager and Jeanne M. Garane.
Cendres et braises. [Ashes and Embers]. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1994. (192p.). ISBN 2 7384 2137 7. Novel.
Riwan ou le chemin de sable. [Riwan or the sandy track]. Paris: Présence Africaine, 1999. Novel. Grand Prix littéraire de l'Afrique noire, 1999.
La Folie et la mort. [Madness and Death]. Paris: Présence Africaine, 2000. Novel.
De l'autre côté du regard. [As seen from the other side]. Paris: Le Serpent à Plumes, 2003. (284p.). Novel.
Rue Félix-Faure. Paris: Editions Hoëbeke, 2005. (274p.). Novel. (Collection Etonnants voyageurs). Novel.
La pièce d'or. Paris: UBU Editions, 2006. (320p.). Novel.
Mes hommes à moi. Paris: Présence Africaine, 2008. (256p.). Novel.
Cacophonie. Paris: Présence Africaine, 2014. (204p.). ISBN: 978-2-7087-0863-1. Novel.
Ecrire aujourd'hui: questions, enjeux, défis par KEN BUGUL
"Ports d'Afrique, Portes d'Afrique!" [Ports of Africa, Portals to Africa!], Ports d'Afrique, Portes d'Afrique. Paris: Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 2002, pp.17-24. [English translation included].
Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created: 23 December 1995
Modified: 28 November 2014
Archived: 28 November 2014